Winter 2004
Jed Schwartz Productions kicked off 2004 with fascinating new projects: |
We started the year with a large project for New York Times Television. “The Perfect War” took an in depth look into the world of net-centric warfare and the use of the latest technology in the US government’s on-going effort to control and dominate the battlefield. We designed and created over 60 shots for the program, directing and working in concert with a talented team of artists, animators, and a smoke compositor in NY, Florida, and NH. Thanks to David Gregg, Craig Lee Hoffman, Geoff Greutzmacher, and John Hofstetter for all your efforts on this project.
We were also responsible for all show package elements including opening sequence titles, animated titles, and show elements. Aired in late March, this two hour special was viewed in Europe as “The Perfect War” and on the german television network ZDF as “Der Perfekte Krieg”. Watch for the program in a one hour format on the PBS/NOVA schedule premiering May 4th 2004, titled “Battle Plan, Under Fire”. For more information visit the Nova website: PBS/Nova
Fall 2003 |
This followed an extremely busy fall 2003 with JSP producing several animated spots for Alcon Labs used to support their marketing and education divisions. “Capture, Measure and Treat”, “Multifocus Lens”, and “CorneaScape” help to illustrate the latest innovations in the surgical, optical, and refractive line of products constantly in development by the talented team of scientists, doctors and technicians at Alcon Laboratories.
February 2004
We also produced animation for the Palfreman Film Group including two Frontline shows, “The Other Drug War” Update and “Diet Wars” (aired April 8th) and finished up animation for the WNET Innovation Series program “Light Speed”. “Light Speed” tells the story of fiber optics - the intricate system of glass and light that carries enormous amounts of information around the globe - and traces the history of communications from telegraph to telephone to the discovery of lasers used in today’s high-tech systems. Find more information about the Innovation program at:
PBS/WNET Innovation
Spring 2004
The spring continues at a busy pace. Currently in production are sequences depicting the life cycle of HIV and the three current treatments for inhibiting the spread of the virus for the Kaiser Foundation and PFG. Also, for Captured Light Studio and Alcon Labs, we are producing two long format projects for the upcoming ASCRS conference later this spring.
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